Turismo sostenible en el Cañon de los Espejos Turquesa de la comunidad de Muñapata, Quispicanchi, Cusco - 2024
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Escuela de Educación Superior Tecnológica Privada KHIPU
La presente investigación intitulada “Turismo Sostenible en el Cañón de los espejos turquesa de la comunidad de Muñapata, Quispicanchi, Cusco – 2024” tiene como problema general ¿Cómo es el turismo sostenible en el Cañón de los espejos turquesa de la comunidad de Muñapata, Quispicanchi, Cusco - 2024?, como objetivo general describir cómo es el turismo sostenible en el Cañón de los espejos turquesa de la comunidad de Muñapata, Quispicanchi, Cusco – 2024, debido a que este carece de información acerca del turismo sostenible. Así mismo el tipo de metodología que se aplicó al estudio fue de enfoque cualitativo, con diseño no experimental, transversal, nivel descriptivo y tipo básico, donde se utilizó como técnica la observación y herramienta la ficha de observación que fue dirigida a los comuneros de Muñapata. Se encontró que el atractivo turístico Cañón de los espejos turquesa tiene un potencial para realizar turismo sostenible, sin embargo, aún falta capacitación e información de parte de los comuneros, sobre cómo hacer un turismo sostenible responsable, y también falta apoyo por parte de la municipalidad para mejorar la infraestructura.
The present investigation entitled "Sustainable Tourism in the Canyon of the turquoise mirrors of the community of Muñapata, Quispicanchi, Cusco - 2024" has as general problem How is sustainable tourism in the Canyon of the turquoise mirrors of the community of Muñapata, Quispicanchi, Cusco - 2024? As a general objective to describe how is sustainable tourism in the Canyon of the turquoise mirrors of the community of Muñapata, Quispicanchi,Cusco - 2024, because it lacks information about sustainable tourism. Likewise, the type of methodology that was applied to the study was a qualitative approach, with a non- experimental, transversal design, descriptive level and basic type, where observation was used as a technique and the observation form was used as a tool that was directed to the community members of Muñapata. The results of this study found that the tourist attraction turquoise mirror canyon has the potential to carry out sustainable tourism, however there is still a lack of training and information from the community members on how to carry outresponsible sustainable tourism, and there is also a lack of support from the municipality to improve the infrastructure.
The present investigation entitled "Sustainable Tourism in the Canyon of the turquoise mirrors of the community of Muñapata, Quispicanchi, Cusco - 2024" has as general problem How is sustainable tourism in the Canyon of the turquoise mirrors of the community of Muñapata, Quispicanchi, Cusco - 2024? As a general objective to describe how is sustainable tourism in the Canyon of the turquoise mirrors of the community of Muñapata, Quispicanchi,Cusco - 2024, because it lacks information about sustainable tourism. Likewise, the type of methodology that was applied to the study was a qualitative approach, with a non- experimental, transversal design, descriptive level and basic type, where observation was used as a technique and the observation form was used as a tool that was directed to the community members of Muñapata. The results of this study found that the tourist attraction turquoise mirror canyon has the potential to carry out sustainable tourism, however there is still a lack of training and information from the community members on how to carry outresponsible sustainable tourism, and there is also a lack of support from the municipality to improve the infrastructure.
Turismo sostenible, Aguas turquesas, Muñapata